12 November 2008

Update on Lauren

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for Lauren!

I have not written much about her lately, but her recovery has been very slow and there has not been much to tell. However, in the past couple of weeks she has really seemed to be her old self, minus the hip displacement. She is eating well and I think maybe even gaining some weight. Her hips are still somewhat tender, or sensitive, but over all she is doing really well. She has returned to her therapy schedule (minus the horseback riding for now) and she is making marked improvement in many ways.

We remain hopeful that she will be able to walk, or at the very least have some level of mobility in the future.

Please continue to pray for Lauren and her complete healing. Praise God for so many answered prayers so far. Pray too for Lana as she continues to try to balance all of her responsibilities while she battles UC.

Yours in Christ,

09 September 2008

Walking the line

It is so hard to walk a line that leads down the middle of the road. Walton Padelford says, "The only thing you find in the middle of the road is a dead skunk with yellow paint across its back."

IOI was recently refused an audience with a missions committee because we are "too inclusive" and therefore not "orthodox". The funny thing is that in this democratic church I was never allowed to speak to the committee, nor was I ever asked one question. The conclusion was based solely on the fact that we work with so many denominations in Ethiopia, and our support comes from so many different churches in the USA.

The fact is IOI is an orthodox Christian missionary organization. As far as our Statement of Faith we site the Apostle’s and Nicene Creed, and believe the Bible to be inspired of God without error in the original manuscripts. Furthermore the ministers supported through IOI should preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ clearly as explained in scriptures such as I Corinthians 15:1-6 and be expecting the physical bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is about as orthodox a statement as one could possibly make.

The real issue it seems is not theology rather it is methodology. We are not charismatic enough for the Charismatic, we are too inclusive for the Cessationists. It is not the issue of revelation that is a problem (IOI holds to the classical Protestant view that there is no "new" revelation about God - Sola Scriptura, while at the same time giving honor to tradition when it complies with Scripture), rather it is speaking in tongues that plagues us as the unity breaker.

To be honest, most of what I see that is called a "work of God" seems to be nothing more than flesh on parade. Yet, I cannot deny that God still does miracles and there are many gifts that God gives. Scripture is clear that we are not to forbid speaking in tongues, furthermore Scripture is clear in how tongues are (or not) to be used publicly. We teach Biblical exercise of all the gifts to the glory of God and the edification of the Church. If the Church is not edified then cease.

Rather than promotion of a denominational flavor IOI is committed to the teaching of sound doctrine and sound methodology according to Scripture. It may not be possible to walk this line, but our law is the Law of Love. We see our brothers and sisters in need and we are striving to have compassion them. We seek to aid them financially and practically, as well as theologically and methodologically.

May God grant us His grace as we seek to fulfill this labor of love in unity of the Holy Spirit.

07 August 2008

Christian Beggars

A lady selling vegetables on the streets of Addis Abeba.

I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor God's seed begging for bread.

My office is at the church and we often have beggars come by seeking cash or a hotel room. Most of the time they tell me that they are Christian, just had some "bad luck".

When I probe deeper I find that these "Christians" don't actually belong to a church, and don't actually know other Christians that they could give me as a reference. So, what makes someone think they are Christian if they have NO fellowship. I am not saying you have to be listed on the roles of some organization, but I do believe you should have some contact with another Christian if you are in the Body of Christ.

For those who have a somewhat credible profession I have found that the "beggar" leaves my office as one who already had the answer in his hand, he just needed someone to help him see it. That is the beauty of life together. We have all things pertaining to life and godliness, we just forget, or can't see it.

Rebellion against God and pride are the main causes of begging that I have witnessed in America. Now, don't think I am saying this means we have no obligation to help, but it does make a difference in what type help we give.

When a man asks for bread we simply give him bread in the name of Jesus. No obligations, no expectation. We simply obey Jesus. However, when we are approached by a professed Christian that is begging we certainly owe this confessed brother a bit more than a simple meal -- we are after all our brother's keeper. For a Christian to be reduced to begging is a shame on the Church. For a Christian to be reduced to begging it is a shame for him. For a Christian to beg it is a reproach on Christ, and an accusation against God for not providing what He promised His children in food and clothing.

In the Old Testament we find a believer by the name of Job. He lost everything, but not through rebellion or disobedience. He was reduced to ashes. Yet, the only begging Job did was to beg of God for an answer. Apparently the believers who surrounded Job, although they judged him wrongly and gave horrible advice, apparently care for him physically. We see clearly that Job's friends sat with him and tried to aid him as best they could.

So, here we have it. The most "down on his luck" man in history, yet he continues to believe and God continues to care for him through his weak believing friends.

While the world is full of poor Christians there should be NO Christian beggars.

As I have traveled through out Ethiopia I have met many desperately poor Christians, but I have yet to see them utterly forsaken or reduced to begging. The churches are full of people who are poor, but they care for each other in ways that shame us in America. I have witnessed poverty stricken Christians in Ethiopia share their dirt floor with even poorer Christians.

The next time someone begs of you on the basis of being a Christian brother I encourage you to question this brother. Don't simply tell him to be "warm and filled", but take a moment to find out why he does not attend worship or have fellowship with anyone who can share in his sufferings. You may find a lair and a thief, but you may find a brother that needs a prophetic word to go home and be reconciled.

When we view the Christian beggar as our brother then we see that God has given us an opportunity to share in the love of God in the care of His children. We can "get in on what God is doing" by giving to the poor and having mercy on those who least "deserve it".

11 July 2008

A little humor for a Friday -- Airline Mechanics

After every flight, UPS pilots fill out a form, called a 'gripe sheet,' which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics correct the problems, document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight.

Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by UPS' pilots (marked with a P) and the solutions recorded (marked with an S) by maintenance engineers. By the way, UPS is the only major airline that has never, ever, had an accident.

P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.
S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.

P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

P: Something loose in cockpit
S: Something tightened in cockpit

P: Dead bugs on windshield.
S: Live bugs on back-order.

P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minuteDescent
S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.

P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level.

P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what friction locks are for.

P: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.

P: Suspected crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.

P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search

P: Aircraft handles funny.
S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed.

the best one for last
P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midgetpounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from midget
Thanks to Sheila for a good laugh!

10 July 2008

Lauren is recovering!

The cast covers her from her chest to her toes, but she is tolerating it very well. Lauren continues to be joyful and seems not to be in pain at all. She has four weeks left in the cast, then months of therapy to follow. Thank you for your continued prayers!

21 June 2008

Going Home Today!

Thank you again to everyone who has been praying for Lauren. She will be allowed to go home today from the hospital. She slept through the night last night and seems to be almost back to normal.

18 June 2008

Rough night, but better morning

Lauren had a fairly rough night last night, but this morning she has perked up and even eaten most of her breakfast.

She has smiled a couple of times this morning and even laughed once, so we are definately seeing improvement.

17 June 2008

Lauren has been moved to a regular hospital room.

Thank you again to everyone who has been praying!

We arrived at the hospital at 8am on Monday morning for Lauren's double hip replacement surgery. Twelve hours after our arrival, after six hours of surgery, she was moved to ICU for observation. Today, after eighteen long hours in ICU, we were moved to a normal hospital room.

Lauren has begun eating some, and has longer periods of being awake. Lana and I think she is having quite a bit of pain, but she still has an epidural (also known as a "spinal block") to help manage it.

We have received cards, calls and email from around the world. We are very grateful for the family of God that has joined with us in praying for Lauren.

If all goes well Lauren should be going home by Friday. Still she will have six weeks in a body cast and months of therapy. However, the surgery should keep her hip in socket and we are hopeful she will be riding horses again within six months or so. Who knows -- she might even walk with her walker again one day (a skill among many that she had lost because of her chronic hip problems).

God bless you for caring!

16 June 2008

Surgery Went Well

Thank you to everyone who has sent word, greetings and prayers!

Lauren was in surgery for 6 hours today and she is now in intensive care. The doctors expect to move her to a regular room if all goes well through the night.

She is exhausted as you can imagine. Lana and I too are exhausted. But, we give thanks that all went well up until the very end of the surgery.

Lauren's vital signs continued to look great throughout the day and the doctor felt good about going ahead and performing the surgery on both hips. Toward the end of the surgery there was some concern about her blood ph levels, and a UT issue. They did end up having to give Lauren a blood transfusion.

We have visited with Lauren and she seems more than a little disoriented and weepy. But, so far she seems like she is doing as well as can be expected after such an intense day of surgery.

"We are not out of the woods yet," said her doctor. "But, it looks very promising."

Thank you for your continued prayers. Six weeks in a body cast holds the possibility of more problems, but we have a great peace tonight. Praise God.

14 June 2008

Surgery on Monday

Thank you to everyone who has prayed so far! We have received word from Ukraine, Germany, Ethiopia, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Brazil and all over America from people who have joined in prayer for Lauren.

Her surgery will be this Monday, June 16 at 8:15am. She is scheduled to have both hips replaced, her leg bones reshaped and muscle "lengthening". It will be major surgery followed by six weeks in a body cast.

God has answered many of your prayers so far and we have an amazing amount of peace about this surgery.

While we were at Vanderbilt Hospital for the pre-op we met a lady and her son that we had met three years before. Three years ago the boy had the same surgery that Lauren is scheduled to have and after his recovery we lost touch with the family. They were in Nashville for a routine appointment on Wednesday and it was definitely a "God thing" that we saw each other after all this time. The boy is doing great, and the mother was very encouraging.

Thank you again for all your prayers!

29 May 2008

Mid-day of Day of Prayer for Lauren

We have received email and messages from Cambodia, Ethiopia, England, Ireland, Brazil and across the USA as people have been lifting up prayers for Lauren for the past 13 hours.

It is so encouraging to hear from brothers and sisters around the world who are united in prayer for one little girl in Jackson, Tennessee.

"LORD, may you hear the prayers of your children. Although we speak in many languages we speak with one heart in one Body and pray that would would be glorified as your mercy flows from the Throne of Grace."

28 May 2008

Day of Prayer for Lauren

Many of you know Lauren personally and you know of her struggles with CP.

She is scheduled for major surgery on June 16 for double hip replacement and reformation of both femur bones.Our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia have set aside Thursday, May 29 as a special day of prayer and fasting for Lauren.

We invite you to join us in prayer.

16 April 2008

The Mission of Compassion

"If you see your brother in need and have not compassion - the love of God does not live in you." (I John 3:17)

From what I understand there are Christians who are persecuted every day in this world. I personally know hundreds of believers in Ethiopia alone who need help. How is it that Christians in the most prosperous nation in the world and the richest congregations turn a blind eye to our suffering brethren? There should be a multitude of ministries that seek to help poor, imprisoned and naked Christians.

It often seems that if a mission is interested in the poor it is only to draw them in to their programs so that they can count heads. I don't doubt the sincerity of these organizations I only doubt their gospel and its mission. Feeding the poor becomes a "method of evangelizing" all the while we expect believers to "pull themselves up by their boot straps." It is wicked. For some it would seem to be better to stay a "seeker" and take advantage of "christian charity" rather than become a believer left to fend for yourself.

The good news is that many of these missions are actually preaching the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ. I have witnessed churches who explode in numbers and zeal when they are first planted, and I see many who's lives are changed indeed. The problem is that in the years to come their zeal grows cold and soon they become much like the churches that planted them concerned with growing their programs rather than meeting the needs of those around them.

Conversely there are missions who have lost the Truth and have become nothing more than social aid agencies that help salve the conscience of wealth Westerners by feeding multitudes of poor. There are no requirements for aid or belonging, no Gospel message. Just "pure" charity with no strings attached.

What I am trying to say is that both of these views are extreme, and neither is truly bringing God's Kingdom to this earth.

I am growing increasingly confident that missions is something that must be done in community. I believe that Christ's Kingdom is being established on this planet, that His will is being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is happening as more and more congregations begin to truly care for each other and become known for their love rather than their buildings or programs. As believers are encouraged to work out their salvation through the practice of God given gifts the world sees the Light and tastes the Salt.

Who in America has not heard that "Jesus died for your sins"? But, how many in America see the Body of Christ (the Church) loving God by loving each other?

How many have heard the Gospel which is costly? How many have heard that it will cost them everything to follow Christ? The Gospel has become an event rather than total life transformation.

All too often our gospel is offensive, not because of Christ, but because it lacks Christ. Jesus died for you. Say this prayer, go to church, give your tithe (of course spend the rest on yourself), obey God and you will prosper! God just wants you to stop doing bad things. The only thing God requires is that you receive His free gift that He offers. "All you have to do is accept." -- It is a lie!

Jesus not only died for you He rose from the dead in a real body! He demands that we believe. He commands us to repent (a constant adjustment of our thoughts to conform with the will of God rather than doing what we want). What God requires is obedience!
The book of James (which many would remove from Scripture) states plainly that faith without works is dead. First John states clearly that we must "lay down our lives for the brethren". Jude warns of those who feasted with believers, yet only wanted gain for themselves. Acts tells of those who wanted to follow Christ in a effort to gain magical powers or miracles, only to find themselves being cut off. Colossians warns about false religion that is worked out in ascetic harshness, rather than overflowing love for the Church that comes from a relationship with the Triune God. Paul greeting the Thessalonians, who not only speak the Gospel, but their "faith goes out before them" -- even so in chapter 4 he says, "you have been taught by God to love one another." In Timothy we see command after command about humility and submission because of the great love of God -- the good "fight" is one of love, faith godliness, gentleness -- and a strict command from God for wealthy Christians to be "rich in good deeds, liberal in giving." These are not options they are commands!
Nowhere in Scripture are we commanded to build big buildings, provide sporting events or any of the plethora of activities that are associated with "church" (not that there is anything inherently wrong with these things). However, we are commanded repeatedly to be generous to poor believers. It is tragic that aiding believers is so low a priority that it is not even on the budget of many congregations.
(Not suggesting that we aid laziness or that we enable people to be leaches on the Church -- see following posts).

There simply is no way around it -- we will be judged according to our deeds! Without faith in Christ we are lost, and without works we have no faith. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "Only those who believe can obey, and only those who obey can believe."

It is not our message or our words that we are known by, it is our fruit. Our fruit should be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As unbelievers see the fruit they are amazed, as they hear the Gospel they are offended, and as God gives faith they are saved. Those who were outside are inside and become part of the Body of God's great love.

14 April 2008

The Word of God

Many in the States would say that the Bible is the Word of God. Just one example of this belief about the Bible comes from a website of a Baptist fellowship.

"1. By "The Holy Bible" we mean that collection of sixty-six books, from Genesis to Revelation, which, as originally written does not only contain and convey the Word of God, but IS the very Word of God."

This organization is not alone in a statement like this -- it is very common among independent and fundamental Christians in America. In essence what they have accidental done with their words is to elevate the Bible to Deity - "The Bible IS the very Word of God."

One site I found (I believe it was God Tube.com) says, "The Bible is the living Word of God."

Now to be fair I do not believe that they actually mean what they say. I think what they are trying to say is that the Bible is more than a book, it is a perfect revelation of God to man in written form, and faithful for doctrine, etc. The scriptures are relevant to our lives today and God speaks through the pages into our lives. In other words they aren't liberals. The problem is that is not what they say exactly.

It is not only a belief among Baptist, but this belief can also be found among denominations such as the conservative Presbyterians. One Presbyterian pastor actual told me that the Bible is the Perfect which was to be revealed, and after its' coming would do away with knowledge, tongues, etc. Again, in essence this minister was saying (although I don't believe he means it this way) that the Bible is the second coming of Jesus. The Bible is the Word (God) incarnate (in flesh).

Now I want to be very clear that I do believe the Bible is the written record of God's words to us. The Bible is useful for doctrine, and all our beliefs and practice should be weighed against the whole counsel of scripture. However, Jesus is the Word of God that is revealed in the Bible. Jesus is the Sword of God that divides bone from marrow, and judges the hearts of man!

To say that the Bible IS the Word of God is like saying that the badge IS the policeman. Certainly the badge reveals to us that the person holding it is a policeman. The badge may tell us where the policeman comes from. It may tell us the limits of his authority (ie. federal or local). There are certain things implied for one who holds a badge, and certain things expected. The badge bears a certain amount of authority (a symbol that actually does/bears something). But, the badge is not the living policeman, nor is the badge the authority that it represents. The badge is only a symbol that communicates a great reality.

What fundamentalists are trying to do is to say that they believe the Bible is the final authority on every subject. They want you to know that they believe the Bible from "Genesis to Maps". They want you to know that they are REAL Christians. They want to convey that they try to live a holy life and obey the commands of God. They want you to know that they do not believe that God is still revealing information about Himself. Most of all they want you to know that they are not charismatic pentecostal and that there is not going to be any new prophets who make new revelations about God or His plan for mankind.

The problem is that most fundamentalist know very little of the Bible. There are many good Baptists who have memorized a plethora of proof texts and can argue them against the barrage of the best trained Jehovah's Witness proof texts. But, when it comes to a good understanding of the whole counsel of Scripture, or finding Christ revealed in the Old Testament, or even an elementary understanding of Church history the average fundamental evangelical Christian will have as poor an understanding of these things as the average Christian cultist.

An example of this poor understanding would be the belief that Jews are blessed and Arabs are cursed. This is a strong belief among fundamental evangelicals in America, and it is not found in Scripture. In fact the we find that God blessed Ishmael. We also see throughout the New Testament that "all of Israel is not Israel", and that Paul even desired the salvation of his fellow Jews so much that he was willing to die in their place -- however, it is "by faith that we (or anyone Jew or Gentile) are saved."

This same phenomenon is happening to the Gospel. Some ministers say that "it is all about the Gospel." In some sermons you might hear the word "Gospel" a dozen times, but you never actually hear the Gospel -- the death, burial and bodily Resurrection of the incarnate Word of God. In deed if you ask the average evangelical the question, "What is the Gospel?" You will get a strange variety of answers that includes, "The Bible. The Good News. It has to do with Jesus." Now, when you point them to I Corinthians 15:1-5 they will say, "Yeah, right the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus."

If you watch much Christian television in America you will hear a lot about money, how to have a successful life, how God wants to bless you, the Crucifixion, the Gospel (although few explain what they are talking about with that phrase) and our need to pray the Sinner's Prayer. What you will not hear much of is public reading of Scripture (I don't think I have ever heard an entire chapter read on Christian radio or TV, much less an entire book of Scripture).

I believe we are perishing for lack of knowledge. Although we firmly believe the Bible is the word of God, we don't know it. Although we believe the Gospel, we cannot articulate it. Although we believe the worship of God is our most important duty, we cannot really tell you what it means to worship God. We have protested the Catholic system and all her creeds, only to replace them with inferior copies. At least the Nicene Creed does not elevate the Bible to being the fourth person of the Trinity, and the ancient creeds speak more of hope of the bodily Resurrection than some kind of secret evaporation of the faithful. There is no doubt that the Church in America is already left behind, we have exchanged our inheritance for a bowl of porridge. Rather than using the Bible to know about God we have practically elevated it to a god, and use it to divide and conquer.

Jesus says, "If any will come after me let them take up their cross and follow me." "You must eat my body and drink my blood."

In America we come to a table of empty calories - cute sayings, proof texts, guilt, prosperity, "Jesus will fix all your problems." No wonder so many leave the table hungry!

This is only partly the reason for why you see so many young people in America who are hungry for the ancient things of our faith. The modern methods depend of theological maxims and meeting of perceived needs. All the while what we desire is to know and be known by God. We desire the Man of salvation, not the plan of salvation. We want to see and know that He is God. Truly it is by hearing that we receive faith, but we must hear Christ not just proof texts. The Bible reveals Christ, and to quote a common phrase among fundamentalists, "It (salvation) is a relationship." As we hear about Christ revealed in Scripture and walk with Him in the community of His Bride (the Church) we should be moved to obedience to Him. If He is God then what does that mean to me, and how should I then live?

It was in the secret meetings in homes, the reading of books of Scripture, the breaking of bread and the giving of life that the early Church was formed and conformed to the image of Christ. It was their life and death together. It is the same today -- we long to be in community, we want to know Christ now in flesh and blood. We long to worship God in spirit and truth, not simply meet once a week for a presentation of a "worship experience." The ancient traditions involve our bodies - we sing, we pray, we stand, we listen, we smell, we eat, we drink, we kneel, we bow, we hold out our hands, we repeat, and then we go back out into the world and live a life of worship.

19 March 2008

People Groups or People?

I am evangelical, but I think the emphesis on "church planting movements" and "people groups" focus is fairly anti-Christ. The IMB has a very short-sighted approach to missions that is driven by bad theology (or more precisely bad eschatology - ie. Jesus can't come back until the last people group has been "reached").

In my opinion the focus on people groups rather than people has been a detrimental approach that has caused us to look at the Church in America as a "resource" and the people in other countries as a "product". We don't have time to focus on an individual and his needs -- we are trying to open the door for Jesus to return. We have a "heart for the Oromo people", but we don't actually care about the well being of Tesguy and his family. I was actually told once in a IMB training session, "We can't waste time hunting birds -- we want the elephant."

The focus on evangelism rather than Christ has produced an emasculated Gospel that has reduced a holy God to a pathetic creator who has lost control and is now begging people to convert. Discipleship has been reduced to "evangelism" for the sake of more evangelism. Christ's demands on us have been reduced to "just receive the free gift."

No doubt some good work is being done by the IMB. There are missionaries, many who are known as disobedient, who are doing good works. But, as you can tell, I have very little impathy with their denominational approach and strategy. I hate secret agent missions (lying and decet to tell the "truth"), the "culturally sensitive gospel" (removing Christ - the stumbling block), the "western gospel" (Jesus needs you - you need to be like us - just believe and God will fix all your problems), and any other gospel than Christ crucified.

Christ has commanded us to repent, believe, and to take up our cross and follow Him. Many American mission agencies seem to have forgotten that the free grace we preach has come, and continues to come, at a very high price.

13 February 2008

Be Generous

Apparently my last post stirred a bit of an angry response from "Anonymous". Anonymous was basically saying that I was promoting greed when Christ promotes generosity.

Part of the problem has to do with the fact that I am too wordy I suppose, but I never meant to imply that Christians should not be generous. On the contrary I think Christians should be the most generous people in the world. My point was that simply giving a homeless guy $20 may not be generous, but rather could be the same as saying, "Be warm and be filled -- and go away."

Last night I dealt with a homeless man and I actually offered total life change. Our church is willing to be extended on this man's behalf to radically change his state from being a beggar to being a giver. I told "Bob" that he could go from living in his car to having a home and offering room and board to homeless people like himself. "Instead of being a taker Bob you could be a giver." The condition was that he be willing to submit to Christ in every aspect of his life and come under the authority of the Church. If he would just be willing to come among us, be of us and be quiet. He could really be part of a body.

Actually what Bob wanted was a hotel room because it was too cold to sleep in his car.

We do not have hotel rooms. We did offer a warm bed and meal at a local shelter.

But, Bob does not stay in shelters. Bob does not want community. Bob wants what Bob wants, Bob's way.

Give drinks of water. Feed the hungry. Give shelter to the homeless. But, without true love it is worthless! We do not send people away hungry, but we must also not make the Bride of Christ a pimp pushing a prostituted Gospel.

It is high time to put to an end cheap grace. The grace of God is very costly. Far more than simple generosity we extend ourselves beyond inconvenience and the soothing of a guilty conscience. We are Christ's Body on earth and we must continue the work of the Gospel.

The Gospel commands more than easy belief and continuance in a life of rebellion, Christ demands our total submission and obedience to Him. To be in Christ we must be in His Church. To love Christ we must love His Bride.

Jesus said, "Eat my Body and drink my Blood." Many departed that day.

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