26 February 2007

Quote of the Weak -- Islam

"I think it is interesting. After 9-11 your politicians, your news media and your scholars suddenly become experts on Islam. They say, 'Islam is peaceful religion.' I think this interesting because your politicians, your news media and your scholars obviously not read the Koran. But, somehow they are experts."

"Husen", a former Islamic teacher who converted to Christ and was severely tortured by Islamic religious police

Not all cheese is bad...

The Cheese Sellers, French School (Art.com)

Those who know me know the distaste I have for American style pop-Christian worship. The term I like to use for this modern performance style worship is, "Cheese Whiz."

But, I have come to the conclusion that not all cheese is bad cheese. Real cheese is better than Cheese Whiz.

I was in a church recently that is very much in to the modern worship style. The preacher wears one of those headset mic things, there are too large screens displaying the action, a full band complete with two percussionists, previously video taped announcements -- the whole works. However, I noticed something this time. Instead of my normal sarcasm I found that I actually appreciated the perfection with which the program was being produced. From lighting and video to music and speakers the ques were perfect. The only flub was some jerky movements from a cameraman that apparently lost interest in the speaker.

I suppose my point is that if you are going to go with the modern style at least hire some people who know what they are doing. This church's style does not speak to me at all. But, the perfection with which they pulled it off was admirable.

The thing that I don't like about the modern style is that it removes the congregation even further from the action and definitely makes the people gathered into an audience. I felt like I was watching a show, which I was occasionally invited to participate in. Very little was demanded of me. I could just sit there in my theatre style seating and enjoy the show.

I also noticed something else. The speaker exalted Christ. Even some of the music exalted Christ. It was obvious to me that these people love Jesus.

In the end the difference between cheese and Cheese Whiz is substance. Cheese Whiz may look like cheese, smell like cheese and kind of taste like cheese, but it has no milk in it and very little (if any) nutrition. Real cheese taste better, is more valuable and has nutritional value -- just be careful because too much can cause problems.

13 February 2007

Quote of the Weak - God's Word

"It was as if a gentle southerly wind were blowing. It was as if the Sun of righteousness were shining close by, causing sweet smelling spiritual spices to flow. Yes, and now may God send forth His Word and may it make them flow in us."

- Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Frenchman Who Established the Monastery at Clairvaux (Art.com)

Website Update - Indigenous Outreach

The IOI Website has been updated!! Check it out www.indigenousoutreach.net and let me know what you think.

01 February 2007

Wrestling Diplomacy

While Bush rattles his saber and sends another warship to the Persian Gulf to "warn Iran" with "Battleship diplomacy" the US Wrestling Team is winning the hearts of Iranian wrestling fans.

3,000 fans crammed into a stadium built for 2,000 and another 3,000 fans tried to get in to see the US Wrestlers go head to head with Iran's best.

It is amazing what a wrestler can do that a politician can't.

NPR's Story on the subject. AP Photos

Virginia to Apologize for Slavery

Joseph Sold into Slavery
Raphael (Art.com)

The first legislative body in America is set to vote for the Commonwealth of Virginia's official "regret" for its involvement in the slave trade.

Aien't that nice y'all.

I have been inundated today with political correctness and I must say I am a bit nauseous. NPR's talk station was all about political correctness and the idea of banning the use of certain words. Then in USAToday I read that Virginia is going to "apologize" for slavery, but the carefully worded "apology" expresses "regret" rather than "responsibility" and should squeak by the lawyers who hope to benefit from "reparations".

Some of you may be saying that I deserve an upset tummy for listening to NPR and reading USAToday. But, I have a serious issue that bothers me profoundly.

We spend so much time in this nation trying not to offended each other, and we are all too eager to apologize for what our great great grandpa's did. But, all the while injustice is rampant in the world and as a nation we ignore the plight of the downtrodden (unless of course they happen to be sitting on a large oil reserve).

The State of Virginia could move unilaterally, or with a coalition of states and nations to affect the current slave trade in Africa and child sex labor in Southeast Asia. Instead of blowing smoke the state could lead nations in demanding that child labor and slave trade in Africa and Asia be stopped. They could use their power and influence as a state to send emissaries around the world to promote an end to slavery and injustice. They could develop trade policy as a state that encourages developing African and Asian nations to outlaw the current slave trade and discrimination against religious minorities. Far from expressing cheap "regret" the state could lead the world in a campaign of positive actions rather than half-hearted words.

Historically in the democratic West it is the people, not governments who move to end injustice. Governments simply respond to the demands of the people. It was leaders in the Christian Church (http://www.wilberforcecentral.org) that first demanded an end to the slave trade. Where are those leaders today? Sadly we leave social reform to extremists in favor of having our best life now. Expending our energy on laws that would ban sin rather than actually doing something with our power and money to help the weakest.
I am under no illusions that we will end racism, poverty and injustice. But, as Christians we are to love mercy and do justly. Our love is not to be in words only, but in deed and truth.

Words are cheap Virginia. Doing something about current injustice is costly. How I wish that the great grandsons of plantation owners and the great grandsons of slaves would join together to bring justice to the developing nations. Virginia wants to set precedent as they "express profound regret", how I wish they would set precedent by actually doing something about current injustice. As a free, wealthy and democratic society we have some level of responsibility to the downtrodden. Why do we wait for the Federal Government to set the agenda?