30 January 2007

The Word of God

He That is of God Hears God's Words
James Tissot (Art.com)

Never one to shy away from controversy -- my question today is what (or who) is the Word of God?

My brothers at the largest Baptist church in Memphis have erected a 20' statue of the Bible in the foyer of the church. These same brothers would rightly proclaim that a statue of Mary in the church at Fatima, Portugal is an idol. However, just like the faithful Portuguese Catholic that erected the statue of Mary they too are blind to the fact that they have made an idol of the Bible. It is Bibliolotry.

Growing up Baptist I was taught that the Bible is the Word of God. Many proof texts support this claim (and for regular readers of the Bishop's Beard you know how I loath proof texts). However, a reading of many of these proof texts in their context prove that this proclamation is not correct. Hebrews 4:12 was a memory verse in VBS (Vacation Bible School) and a favorite verse to find at Bible "Sword" Drills. "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edge sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, as is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Sounds like the Bible is a powerful sword, unless you read this same verse in its context and see that the entire passage is about Christ, not the Bible. Because Jesus is the Word of God He is also the Great High Priest that discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. Romans 8 proclaims that the Spirit of God is the One who searches hearts and makes intercession for us.

After preaching at a Presbyterian church I was gently rebuked for preaching the hope of seeing Christ "face to face" as though it was a future event. I had made reference to I Corinthians 13 where our hope of Resurrection ("...when that which is perfect has come...") is hope for a physical event where we will know Christ as intimately as He now knows us. I was told that the "Perfect" in this passage is the Bible, which has already come so that we can know Christ through His word. Knowledge, tongues and prophesy have all been done away with because we now have the Bible. The problem that I have with this interpretation (other than the fact that it is wrong) is that the Bible does not contain every word of Christ (John 21:25), and I don't know how many hairs He has on His head, much less can I see His face or look into His eyes. The Christian hope is that we will be physically resurrected and we will know God like He knows us.

I understand what the fundamentalist is trying to do when he says that the Bible is the word of God and the final authority for life and faith. He is trying to distance himself from the charismatic chaos of modern times and the "Christian" cults who have extra Biblical "scripture" and anti-Christ "revelation". The problem is that interpretation of Scripture can vary greatly, so how then is the Bible the "Final Authority?"

I am always looking for balance. I think the balance in this issue is simply that we must look to the whole counsel of Scripture, which contains the written revelation of the Word of God, for instruction in life and faith. Certainly the Bible is the bench mark by which all revelation, prophesy and tongues should be judged. The Bible is a way to know about God. The Apostles gave us timeless instruction in how we should live. The prophets foretold Christ, and Christ revealed the Father to us. Ultimately it is by faith that we know Him, and His Spirit lives within us aiding us as we struggle to know, understand and comprehend the depth, width and height of His love.
There is no doubt that the Bible contains the words of God. But, Jesus IS the Word of God.

06 January 2007

I hate to say I told you so...

"Western and African diplomats called on Friday for the urgent deployment of peacekeepers to Somalia, hours after al Qaeda's deputy leader called on Somali Islamists to launch an
Iraq-style insurgency
against Ethiopian forces."

"In the latest show of discontent with the forces that ousted the Islamists, hundreds of Somalis marched through the capital chanting "Down with Ethiopia." (Just days after being hailed as heroes and liberators the Ethiopians are finding few friends).

Reuters (photo and story)

04 January 2007

Have we learned nothing?

Photo by Guy Calaf New York Times

Once again a US backed force has put the "Islamists" on the run. Ethiopia invaded Somalia in an effort to rid the neighboring country of terrorists (and maybe secure some territory along the way). The "terrorists" escaped to the countryside only to be replaced by lawlessness and a return to warlords. Ethiopia, much like her ally proclaimed, "Mission Accomplished" as their troops rolled into Mogadishu. I fear that Somalia will be Ethiopia's Iraq.

"MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali gunmen attacked an oil tanker truck near Mogadishu on Thursday, wounding three people and raising fears of a return to the clan violence that had largely stopped during six months of Islamist rule.
The Somalia Islamic Courts Council (SICC), which had imposed sharia law across much of the south, abandoned the capital last week to government troops backed by Ethiopian forces.
Within hours of the Islamists' departure, militiamen loyal to warlords ousted in June reappeared at checkpoints in the city where they used to rob, rape and murder civilians"

I am no military general, but surely someone has figured out that a power vacuum invites true terrorists and thugs to rape, pillage and plunder people who have already suffered immensely under both sides of an ideological and religious war. I propose that the next time we invade a nation that we should be prepared to bring the rule of law, peace and order immediately to that nation, or we should stay out.

02 January 2007

Hindu god manifest on butterfly's back

According to a report from Reuters News the Hindu god Krishna has appeared on the back of a butterfly in India.
Krishna has joined with the Virgin Mary, Elvis and Abraham Lincoln on a growing list of manifestations on both animate and inanimate subjects.

The Virgin Mary tops the list with appearances in thin air as well as physical manifestations on various breads, hospital windows and other objects. The "Virgin Toast" actually sold on EBay for almost $30K. Mother Teressa appeared on a cinnamon bun in Nashville at Cafe Bongo, now known as the home of the "Nun Bun". Elvis has been spotted on at least one tortilla (which admittedly was a hoax), still the faithful have witnessed his miraculous appearances. Even Abraham Lincoln has appeared in the profile of a french fry. Even Islam is not without their "Miracle Tomato of Huttersfield".

Personally I only see a butterfly. But, the faithful Hindu sees Krishna. Maybe you see it too?

The man who discovered this butterfly said that it has "increased his devotion." Another worshiper named Vilma said, "We have no option but to believe what we are seeing. But after seeing it, our devotion to the Lord has increased."

I suppose my point is that for all the "supernatural" (or lack thereof) evidence that we see the Christian hope is not in butterflies and tortillas. Our hope is not seen and our faith is not in the tangible. Scripture proclaims, "blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." Our faith is a gift from God, and our hope is the resurrection. The promise of God is that all who believe that Jesus is the Lord, and that God has raised Him from the dead, will be saved.

If you believe in Christ's (the Messiah, God in the flesh) death, burial and Resurrection you will be saved. The faith that you have is the evidence that you possess, you need look no farther.