26 February 2007

Not all cheese is bad...

The Cheese Sellers, French School (Art.com)

Those who know me know the distaste I have for American style pop-Christian worship. The term I like to use for this modern performance style worship is, "Cheese Whiz."

But, I have come to the conclusion that not all cheese is bad cheese. Real cheese is better than Cheese Whiz.

I was in a church recently that is very much in to the modern worship style. The preacher wears one of those headset mic things, there are too large screens displaying the action, a full band complete with two percussionists, previously video taped announcements -- the whole works. However, I noticed something this time. Instead of my normal sarcasm I found that I actually appreciated the perfection with which the program was being produced. From lighting and video to music and speakers the ques were perfect. The only flub was some jerky movements from a cameraman that apparently lost interest in the speaker.

I suppose my point is that if you are going to go with the modern style at least hire some people who know what they are doing. This church's style does not speak to me at all. But, the perfection with which they pulled it off was admirable.

The thing that I don't like about the modern style is that it removes the congregation even further from the action and definitely makes the people gathered into an audience. I felt like I was watching a show, which I was occasionally invited to participate in. Very little was demanded of me. I could just sit there in my theatre style seating and enjoy the show.

I also noticed something else. The speaker exalted Christ. Even some of the music exalted Christ. It was obvious to me that these people love Jesus.

In the end the difference between cheese and Cheese Whiz is substance. Cheese Whiz may look like cheese, smell like cheese and kind of taste like cheese, but it has no milk in it and very little (if any) nutrition. Real cheese taste better, is more valuable and has nutritional value -- just be careful because too much can cause problems.

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