Once again a US backed force has put the "Islamists" on the run. Ethiopia invaded Somalia in an effort to rid the neighboring country of terrorists (and maybe secure some territory along the way). The "terrorists" escaped to the countryside only to be replaced by lawlessness and a return to warlords. Ethiopia, much like her ally proclaimed, "Mission Accomplished" as their troops rolled into Mogadishu. I fear that Somalia will be Ethiopia's Iraq.
"MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali gunmen attacked an oil tanker truck near Mogadishu on Thursday, wounding three people and raising fears of a return to the clan violence that had largely stopped during six months of Islamist rule.
The Somalia Islamic Courts Council (SICC), which had imposed sharia law across much of the south, abandoned the capital last week to government troops backed by Ethiopian forces.
Within hours of the Islamists' departure, militiamen loyal to warlords ousted in June reappeared at checkpoints in the city where they used to rob, rape and murder civilians"
I am no military general, but surely someone has figured out that a power vacuum invites true terrorists and thugs to rape, pillage and plunder people who have already suffered immensely under both sides of an ideological and religious war. I propose that the next time we invade a nation that we should be prepared to bring the rule of law, peace and order immediately to that nation, or we should stay out.
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