06 November 2006

Ortega set to win Nicaraguan election on Pro/Anti-American platform.

Have you noticed that there are a growing number of international leaders that are gaining power based solely on their opposition to America (and possibly their uncool mustaches)?

The latest upset on the global scene is the predicted victory of Daniel Ortega and his return as the president of Nicaragua. In the 70's Ortega was the iron fisted "dictator" who ruled Nicaragua with the support of Cuba and the Soviet Union. The USA sponsored an insurgency (where have you heard that word used lately?) against the Sandanista Party that led to the fall of that government and the death of over 30,000 Nicaraguans.

Today Ortega has the support of Cuba and our newest "enemy" Venezuela. He has played a delicate balancing act as he has courted American investors while being less than friendly to American political leaders. I suppose he will also lead Nicaragua to join the non-alined group that is made of Iran, North Korea and other sordid nations.

Why are we making so many enemies of nations that were once our allies? Iran, Venezuela and Nicaragua were all allies at one point in recent history. "We" brought "freedom" to these nations so that they could elect anti-American leaders? What happened?

In short, American hypocrisy, prosperity and arrogance. We are PROUD to be Americans, as though it was our wisdom that gave birth to us. We consume the majority of the world's energy as we entertain ourselves to death. We tip our hats to God as we push the "American Way of Life" around the world in a vain effort to fulfill our manifest destiny of taking freedom to the four corners of the globe. We have supported "friendly" dictators while we have promoted democracy in nations that have hostile leaders. It has been a very short-sighted list of policies (on the part of both Democrats and Republicans) that had little to learn from history.

In the sixteen years since the fall of the communist Sandanista government, and the introduction to American style democracy life has not improved for the average Nicaraguan. Not surprisingly the wealthy minority Nicaraguans fear the return of Ortega, while most of the poverty stricken majority are apathetic. "At least we ate under the communist."

It is high time that we realize that democracy is not the answer to man's eternal questions. Democracy is not God's plan for man's salvation. Democracy can produce a high level of prosperity (when corruption is held at bay and the lower classes are provided for), but we must not forget that man's heart is wicked and over time man's free will will always led back to sin. Jesus did indeed come to set us free, but it is freedom from slavery to sin so that we can be SLAVES and friends of Christ. If we truly want to change the world I suggest that we extend our nation on behalf of the poor and outcast, and purchase friends for the lonely days ahead.

I don't think we have too much to worry about with a hand full of third world countries in opposition to the US of A. But, if we do not radically change our foreign policies and humble ourselves in the sight of the world we will surely see the numbers of radical anti-American leaders and nations growing.

1 comment:

Chris Johnson said...

I agree with a lot of this. I think the bulk of the problem lies in the idea of using a national political ideology of ANY kind as a life-changing goal as opposed to Christ. Is the most life-changing force govt. ideology or the Christian gospel? I think it's the gospel. The answer for the wickedness of humankind is the gospel, not democracy or any other govt. system.