I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor God's seed begging for bread.
My office is at the church and we often have beggars come by seeking cash or a hotel room. Most of the time they tell me that they are Christian, just had some "bad luck".
When I probe deeper I find that these "Christians" don't actually belong to a church, and don't actually know other Christians that they could give me as a reference. So, what makes someone think they are Christian if they have NO fellowship. I am not saying you have to be listed on the roles of some organization, but I do believe you should have some contact with another Christian if you are in the Body of Christ.
For those who have a somewhat credible profession I have found that the "beggar" leaves my office as one who already had the answer in his hand, he just needed someone to help him see it. That is the beauty of life together. We have all things pertaining to life and godliness, we just forget, or can't see it.
Rebellion against God and pride are the main causes of begging that I have witnessed in America. Now, don't think I am saying this means we have no obligation to help, but it does make a difference in what type help we give.
When a man asks for bread we simply give him bread in the name of Jesus. No obligations, no expectation. We simply obey Jesus. However, when we are approached by a professed Christian that is begging we certainly owe this confessed brother a bit more than a simple meal -- we are after all our brother's keeper. For a Christian to be reduced to begging is a shame on the Church. For a Christian to be reduced to begging it is a shame for him. For a Christian to beg it is a reproach on Christ, and an accusation against God for not providing what He promised His children in food and clothing.
In the Old Testament we find a believer by the name of Job. He lost everything, but not through rebellion or disobedience. He was reduced to ashes. Yet, the only begging Job did was to beg of God for an answer. Apparently the believers who surrounded Job, although they judged him wrongly and gave horrible advice, apparently care for him physically. We see clearly that Job's friends sat with him and tried to aid him as best they could.
So, here we have it. The most "down on his luck" man in history, yet he continues to believe and God continues to care for him through his weak believing friends.
While the world is full of poor Christians there should be NO Christian beggars.
As I have traveled through out Ethiopia I have met many desperately poor Christians, but I have yet to see them utterly forsaken or reduced to begging. The churches are full of people who are poor, but they care for each other in ways that shame us in America. I have witnessed poverty stricken Christians in Ethiopia share their dirt floor with even poorer Christians.
The next time someone begs of you on the basis of being a Christian brother I encourage you to question this brother. Don't simply tell him to be "warm and filled", but take a moment to find out why he does not attend worship or have fellowship with anyone who can share in his sufferings. You may find a lair and a thief, but you may find a brother that needs a prophetic word to go home and be reconciled.
When we view the Christian beggar as our brother then we see that God has given us an opportunity to share in the love of God in the care of His children. We can "get in on what God is doing" by giving to the poor and having mercy on those who least "deserve it".