"If you see your brother in need and have not compassion - the love of God does not live in you." (I John 3:17)
From what I understand there are Christians who are persecuted every day in this world. I personally know hundreds of believers in Ethiopia alone who need help. How is it that Christians in the most prosperous nation in the world and the richest congregations turn a blind eye to our suffering brethren? There should be a multitude of ministries that seek to help poor, imprisoned and naked Christians.
It often seems that if a mission is interested in the poor it is only to draw them in to their programs so that they can count heads. I don't doubt the sincerity of these organizations I only doubt their gospel and its mission. Feeding the poor becomes a "method of evangelizing" all the while we expect believers to "pull themselves up by their boot straps." It is wicked. For some it would seem to be better to stay a "seeker" and take advantage of "christian charity" rather than become a believer left to fend for yourself.
The good news is that many of these missions are actually preaching the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ. I have witnessed churches who explode in numbers and zeal when they are first planted, and I see many who's lives are changed indeed. The problem is that in the years to come their zeal grows cold and soon they become much like the churches that planted them concerned with growing their programs rather than meeting the needs of those around them.
Conversely there are missions who have lost the Truth and have become nothing more than social aid agencies that help salve the conscience of wealth Westerners by feeding multitudes of poor. There are no requirements for aid or belonging, no Gospel message. Just "pure" charity with no strings attached.
What I am trying to say is that both of these views are extreme, and neither is truly bringing God's Kingdom to this earth.
I am growing increasingly confident that missions is something that must be done in community. I believe that Christ's Kingdom is being established on this planet, that His will is being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is happening as more and more congregations begin to truly care for each other and become known for their love rather than their buildings or programs. As believers are encouraged to work out their salvation through the practice of God given gifts the world sees the Light and tastes the Salt.
Who in America has not heard that "Jesus died for your sins"? But, how many in America see the Body of Christ (the Church) loving God by loving each other?
How many have heard the Gospel which is costly? How many have heard that it will cost them everything to follow Christ? The Gospel has become an event rather than total life transformation.
All too often our gospel is offensive, not because of Christ, but because it lacks Christ. Jesus died for you. Say this prayer, go to church, give your tithe (of course spend the rest on yourself), obey God and you will prosper! God just wants you to stop doing bad things. The only thing God requires is that you receive His free gift that He offers. "All you have to do is accept." -- It is a lie!
Jesus not only died for you He rose from the dead in a real body! He demands that we believe. He commands us to repent (a constant adjustment of our thoughts to conform with the will of God rather than doing what we want). What God requires is obedience!
The book of James (which many would remove from Scripture) states plainly that faith without works is dead. First John states clearly that we must "lay down our lives for the brethren". Jude warns of those who feasted with believers, yet only wanted gain for themselves. Acts tells of those who wanted to follow Christ in a effort to gain magical powers or miracles, only to find themselves being cut off. Colossians warns about false religion that is worked out in ascetic harshness, rather than overflowing love for the Church that comes from a relationship with the Triune God. Paul greeting the Thessalonians, who not only speak the Gospel, but their "faith goes out before them" -- even so in chapter 4 he says, "you have been taught by God to love one another." In Timothy we see command after command about humility and submission because of the great love of God -- the good "fight" is one of love, faith godliness, gentleness -- and a strict command from God for wealthy Christians to be "rich in good deeds, liberal in giving." These are not options they are commands!
Nowhere in Scripture are we commanded to build big buildings, provide sporting events or any of the plethora of activities that are associated with "church" (not that there is anything inherently wrong with these things). However, we are commanded repeatedly to be generous to poor believers. It is tragic that aiding believers is so low a priority that it is not even on the budget of many congregations.
(Not suggesting that we aid laziness or that we enable people to be leaches on the Church -- see following posts).
There simply is no way around it -- we will be judged according to our deeds! Without faith in Christ we are lost, and without works we have no faith. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "Only those who believe can obey, and only those who obey can believe."
It is not our message or our words that we are known by, it is our fruit. Our fruit should be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As unbelievers see the fruit they are amazed, as they hear the Gospel they are offended, and as God gives faith they are saved. Those who were outside are inside and become part of the Body of God's great love.