Apparently my last post stirred a bit of an angry response from "Anonymous". Anonymous was basically saying that I was promoting greed when Christ promotes generosity.
Part of the problem has to do with the fact that I am too wordy I suppose, but I never meant to imply that Christians should not be generous. On the contrary I think Christians should be the most generous people in the world. My point was that simply giving a homeless guy $20 may not be generous, but rather could be the same as saying, "Be warm and be filled -- and go away."
Last night I dealt with a homeless man and I actually offered total life change. Our church is willing to be extended on this man's behalf to radically change his state from being a beggar to being a giver. I told "Bob" that he could go from living in his car to having a home and offering room and board to homeless people like himself. "Instead of being a taker Bob you could be a giver." The condition was that he be willing to submit to Christ in every aspect of his life and come under the authority of the Church. If he would just be willing to come among us, be of us and be quiet. He could really be part of a body.
Actually what Bob wanted was a hotel room because it was too cold to sleep in his car.
We do not have hotel rooms. We did offer a warm bed and meal at a local shelter.
But, Bob does not stay in shelters. Bob does not want community. Bob wants what Bob wants, Bob's way.
Give drinks of water. Feed the hungry. Give shelter to the homeless. But, without true love it is worthless! We do not send people away hungry, but we must also not make the Bride of Christ a pimp pushing a prostituted Gospel.
It is high time to put to an end cheap grace. The grace of God is very costly. Far more than simple generosity we extend ourselves beyond inconvenience and the soothing of a guilty conscience. We are Christ's Body on earth and we must continue the work of the Gospel.
The Gospel commands more than easy belief and continuance in a life of rebellion, Christ demands our total submission and obedience to Him. To be in Christ we must be in His Church. To love Christ we must love His Bride.
Jesus said, "Eat my Body and drink my Blood." Many departed that day.