21 June 2008

Going Home Today!

Thank you again to everyone who has been praying for Lauren. She will be allowed to go home today from the hospital. She slept through the night last night and seems to be almost back to normal.

18 June 2008

Rough night, but better morning

Lauren had a fairly rough night last night, but this morning she has perked up and even eaten most of her breakfast.

She has smiled a couple of times this morning and even laughed once, so we are definately seeing improvement.

17 June 2008

Lauren has been moved to a regular hospital room.

Thank you again to everyone who has been praying!

We arrived at the hospital at 8am on Monday morning for Lauren's double hip replacement surgery. Twelve hours after our arrival, after six hours of surgery, she was moved to ICU for observation. Today, after eighteen long hours in ICU, we were moved to a normal hospital room.

Lauren has begun eating some, and has longer periods of being awake. Lana and I think she is having quite a bit of pain, but she still has an epidural (also known as a "spinal block") to help manage it.

We have received cards, calls and email from around the world. We are very grateful for the family of God that has joined with us in praying for Lauren.

If all goes well Lauren should be going home by Friday. Still she will have six weeks in a body cast and months of therapy. However, the surgery should keep her hip in socket and we are hopeful she will be riding horses again within six months or so. Who knows -- she might even walk with her walker again one day (a skill among many that she had lost because of her chronic hip problems).

God bless you for caring!

16 June 2008

Surgery Went Well

Thank you to everyone who has sent word, greetings and prayers!

Lauren was in surgery for 6 hours today and she is now in intensive care. The doctors expect to move her to a regular room if all goes well through the night.

She is exhausted as you can imagine. Lana and I too are exhausted. But, we give thanks that all went well up until the very end of the surgery.

Lauren's vital signs continued to look great throughout the day and the doctor felt good about going ahead and performing the surgery on both hips. Toward the end of the surgery there was some concern about her blood ph levels, and a UT issue. They did end up having to give Lauren a blood transfusion.

We have visited with Lauren and she seems more than a little disoriented and weepy. But, so far she seems like she is doing as well as can be expected after such an intense day of surgery.

"We are not out of the woods yet," said her doctor. "But, it looks very promising."

Thank you for your continued prayers. Six weeks in a body cast holds the possibility of more problems, but we have a great peace tonight. Praise God.

14 June 2008

Surgery on Monday

Thank you to everyone who has prayed so far! We have received word from Ukraine, Germany, Ethiopia, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Brazil and all over America from people who have joined in prayer for Lauren.

Her surgery will be this Monday, June 16 at 8:15am. She is scheduled to have both hips replaced, her leg bones reshaped and muscle "lengthening". It will be major surgery followed by six weeks in a body cast.

God has answered many of your prayers so far and we have an amazing amount of peace about this surgery.

While we were at Vanderbilt Hospital for the pre-op we met a lady and her son that we had met three years before. Three years ago the boy had the same surgery that Lauren is scheduled to have and after his recovery we lost touch with the family. They were in Nashville for a routine appointment on Wednesday and it was definitely a "God thing" that we saw each other after all this time. The boy is doing great, and the mother was very encouraging.

Thank you again for all your prayers!